Kafić => Predstavite se ... => : MirsadH July 21, 2012, 00:15:52

: MirsadH
: MirsadH July 21, 2012, 00:15:52
Zovem se Mirsad Hairlahovic dolazim iz Cazina.

: Odg: MirsadH
: mirza July 21, 2012, 01:07:06
Pa dobro nam došao, ugodan boravak na forumu ;)

: Odg: MirsadH
: Adin_Zne July 21, 2012, 10:52:57
Welcome !

: Odg: MirsadH
: The_Dubster July 21, 2012, 12:28:50
Dobrodošao! preporučujem čitanje pravila foruma i ako bude kakvih problema ili nedoumica slobodno pitaj :D

: Odg: MirsadH
: the_ahmed July 21, 2012, 12:29:54

: Odg: MirsadH
: MirsadH July 21, 2012, 13:42:07

: Odg: MirsadH
: Almir July 21, 2012, 13:43:27
Dobro došao druže  ;) ;)

: Odg: MirsadH
: MirsadH July 21, 2012, 17:18:55

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