Ostale Države => Autotrans Grupa => : tomo September 20, 2010, 18:11:58

: Gaja, Križpolje
: tomo September 20, 2010, 18:11:58
Gaja d.o.o.
Križpolje 8/d
53261 Križpolje
tel. 053/791-282

Vozni park

1 - Bova Futura FHD 120-380
RI-522-NF (

1 - VW Crafter
GS-775-BV ( - eX RI-657-OM

1 - Temsa Opalin
GS-610-BU (

1 - Ford Transit
RI-448-RN (

Prijevoznička tvrtka koja radi u kooperaciji sa Autotransom. Osim ove Bove Future RI-522-NF, u voznom parku ima još i Man Lion's Coacha I. generacije i VW Craftera. Evo Bove na ATR liniji u 15:00h preko Gospića i Otočca


: Odg: Gaja, Križpolje
: Mile October 09, 2010, 10:55:08
Imaju i Temsu Opalin ;)

: Odg: Gaja, Križpolje
: Mile October 11, 2010, 21:37:50
Evo Opalinka ali mi sliku neče okrenuti preko photobucketa  ::)

: Odg: Gaja, Križpolje
: Bari December 10, 2010, 21:12:08
Man Lion's Coach je prodan Autotransu (GB 1337)


: Odg: Gaja, Križpolje
: mate January 05, 2011, 17:22:48
Odmara na AK Zagreb


: Odg: Gaja, Križpolje
: tomo January 05, 2011, 17:26:16
Kako to da ja nisam Opalinku postao?Moram malo pretražiti to... Meni uvijek ona bude  ;D

: Odg: Gaja, Križpolje
: mate January 05, 2011, 18:09:58
Kako to da ja nisam Opalinku postao?Moram malo pretražiti to... Meni uvijek ona bude  ;D

Ja ih dosad nisam ulovio, pa je i ovo dobro za pocetak ;D

: Odg: Gaja, Križpolje
: tomo January 22, 2011, 12:41:59

: Odg: Gaja, Križpolje
: tomo February 25, 2011, 14:50:18

: Odg: Gaja, Križpolje
: tomo April 16, 2011, 18:09:06
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: Odg: Gaja, Križpolje
: buSHunter795 July 05, 2011, 22:19:01
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: Odg: Gaja, Križpolje
: The_Dubster August 08, 2011, 16:30:17
Vide se da rade sa Autotransom, šema na crafteru dosta liči

: Odg: Gaja, Križpolje
: tomo December 24, 2011, 07:17:05
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: Odg: Gaja, Križpolje
: tomo July 09, 2012, 21:48:37
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: Odg: Gaja, Križpolje
: tomo August 15, 2012, 21:30:30

: Odg: Gaja, Križpolje
: mate August 29, 2012, 20:17:19
Crafter s novim regama


: Odg: Gaja, Križpolje
: tomo August 31, 2012, 03:28:19
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: Odg: Gaja, Križpolje
: tomo September 15, 2012, 13:07:01
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: Odg: Gaja, Križpolje
: tomo May 25, 2013, 23:20:42
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: Odg: Gaja, Križpolje
: tomo August 07, 2013, 13:36:43
Dubrovnik - Rijeka, na liniji Autotransporta Šibenik
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: Odg: Gaja, Križpolje
: Eurobus AV120 August 07, 2013, 20:26:36
Gajeva Bova Futura je u najmu ATP-u Šibenik
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: Odg: Gaja, Križpolje
: Bari August 19, 2013, 17:36:27
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: Odg: Gaja, Križpolje
: Bari September 09, 2013, 11:01:39
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: Odg: Gaja, Križpolje
: The_Dubster September 09, 2013, 22:24:34

: Odg: Gaja, Križpolje
: Adin_Zne October 27, 2013, 17:35:30

Foto: Wigec

: Odg: Gaja, Križpolje
: tomo January 19, 2014, 01:50:45
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: Odg: Gaja, Križpolje
: tomo March 25, 2014, 22:49:29
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: Odg: Gaja, Križpolje
: The_Dubster March 25, 2014, 22:58:55
zašto bus Mesic Reisena u ovoj temi?

: Odg: Gaja, Križpolje
: tomo March 25, 2014, 22:59:49
Zato što je to njihov bus, gazda se preziva Mesić, a Mesić Reisen je registrirana u CH

: Odg: Gaja, Križpolje
: tomo April 28, 2014, 21:06:13
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: Odg: Gaja, Križpolje
: tomo September 18, 2014, 21:14:16
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: Odg: Gaja, Križpolje
: frukec September 24, 2014, 21:12:29

: Odg: Gaja, Križpolje
: mate November 18, 2014, 00:36:23
( (

: Odg: Gaja, Križpolje
: frukec December 23, 2014, 23:20:21
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: Odg: Gaja, Križpolje
: tomo January 06, 2015, 14:32:39
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: Odg: Gaja, Križpolje
: frukec March 21, 2015, 00:10:38
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: Odg: Gaja, Križpolje
: frukec September 17, 2015, 19:52:29
( (

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