Prevoznici Bosna i Hercegovina => Prevoznici A-D => : Highlander May 26, 2014, 13:06:54

: Balkan trans, Rudo
: Highlander May 26, 2014, 13:06:54
Znam da voze liniju Rudo-Foca i da imaju jos jednog Srpintera, Conecta...


: Odg: Balkan trans, Rudo
: The_Dubster May 26, 2014, 13:34:49
ja pronađoh slijedeće, citiram: "Prevoz putnika na relacijama: Rudo–Milanovići, Rudo–Dobrun–Beograd i Rudo–Foča–Milanovići, vrši prevoznik "Balkan-Trans" Rudo, po utvrđenom redu...."

Adresa bi trebala biti: Industrijska bb, 73260 Rudo
A ovo LOGO (

: Odg: Balkan trans, Rudo
: dani-ze June 09, 2014, 23:30:47

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